The wonderful thing about Solzhenitsyn is that there are few villains in his books. From [Archive 2005-06-12] Reference
He received the reply: "Yes, that could well be so, but we are agreed that Solzhenitsyn is the most deserving candidate.". From [The Nobel Prize in Literature] Reference
Sartre, however, characteristically called Solzhenitsyn a "dangerous element". From [Kafila] Reference
Possibly the only horror author of the twentieth century, unless you count Solzhenitsyn, which is cheating. From [Kenneth Hite's Journal] Reference
"In terms of the effect he has had on history," David Remnick has written, "Solzhenitsyn is the dominant writer of the twentieth century. From [The Complete Works of George Orwell (reviews)] Reference
As Pravda wrote, 'Solzhenitsyn's narrative is reminiscent at times of. From [Nobel Prize in Literature 1970 - Presentation Speech] Reference
A 1975 memo circulated in the FBI cautioned that investigating a prominent individual such as Solzhenitsyn could be politically sensitive. From [NYCity News Service: FBI Files: Solzhenitsyn Lived in Fear After Exile] Reference
Ford ignored the advice and never saw Solzhenitsyn. From [Backseat Driver] Reference
Solzhenitsyn once posed the same, terrible question. From [Solzhenitsyn: My Murdered Grandfather’s Voice] Reference
Solzhenitsyn won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1970. From [CNN Transcript Aug 4, 2008] Reference
In the hardships of the camps, Solzhenitsyn wrote secretly. From [CNN Transcript Aug 4, 2008] Reference
After a pause, deVille said, "And Solzhenitsyn and the gulags?". From [Noble House]
In 1970, Solzhenitsyn was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. From [John W. Whitehead: Have We Forgotten God?] Reference
“Like Pasternak is better than Solzhenitsyn?” his mother said. From [Persuader]
No one could make an ally of Solzhenitsyn, at least for very long. From [Jane Smiley: The Death of Ivan Denisovich] Reference
The chapter on Solzhenitsyn displays Remnick's gifts most brightly. From [When The Party's Over] Reference
Now check out how what Solzhenitsyn wrote in The Gulag Archipelago. From [Mark Nickolas: Did McCain Steal His "Cross in the Dirt" Story at the Saddleback Forum From Solzhenitsyn?] Reference
Solzhenitsyn immediately became a hero to me after I read his books. From [Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?] Reference
Solzhenitsyn spoke for the millions whose voices Stalin had silenced. From [Solzhenitsyn: My Murdered Grandfather’s Voice] Reference
All his life Solzhenitsyn was moved by a powerful, almost mystical, moral sense. From [Solzhenitsyn: My Murdered Grandfather’s Voice] Reference
"Where did this wolf-tribe appear from among our own people?" asked Solzhenitsyn. From [Solzhenitsyn: My Murdered Grandfather’s Voice] Reference
Solzhenitsyn slowly rose to his feet, picked up his shovel, and went back to work. From [Mark Nickolas: Did McCain Steal His "Cross in the Dirt" Story at the Saddleback Forum From Solzhenitsyn?] Reference
But, like most Americans, I, too, had a very shallow understanding of Solzhenitsyn. From [Jane Smiley: The Death of Ivan Denisovich] Reference
As Solzhenitsyn stared at the Cross drawn in the dirt his entire perspective changed. From [Mark Nickolas: Did McCain Steal His "Cross in the Dirt" Story at the Saddleback Forum From Solzhenitsyn?] Reference
In the sermon Veronis described Solzhenitsyn as having toiled in the "fields" of Siberia. From [Solzhenitsyn Biographer: Cross-In-Dirt Gulag Story Never Happened] Reference
But McCain couldn't have gotten this from the work of Solzhenitsyn, our scholar tells us. From [Solzhenitsyn Biographer: Cross-In-Dirt Gulag Story Never Happened] Reference
Solzhenitsyn, whose words helped bring down the Soviet empire, died last week at 89 years. From [CNN Transcript Aug 10, 2008] Reference
Solzhenitsyn revealed just how terrible the regime was that the West faced in the Cold War. From [Who is Solzhenitsyn's dissident heir?] Reference
Solzhenitsyn, for all his cordial relations with Putin, could not have disagreed more strongly. From [Solzhenitsyn: My Murdered Grandfather’s Voice] Reference
So it never happened to Solzhenitsyn, even though he's described as talking about it by Colson?. From [Solzhenitsyn Biographer: Cross-In-Dirt Gulag Story Never Happened] Reference
Solzhenitsyn called it the Gulag Archipelago — like islands in a sea of frozen steppe, the Gulags were a state within the state. From [Solzhenitsyn: My Murdered Grandfather’s Voice] Reference
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