Abdi from Somalia on Somalia: Quicksand, or Vital Interests?. From Wordnik.com. [CJR] Reference
Last Updated: Apr 9, 2009 - 11: 35: 04 AM Somalia "Al Shabaab shut down radio station in southwest Somalia" 9 Apr 9, 2009 - 6: 46: 36 PM. From Wordnik.com. [Latest Articles] Reference
#Somalia cloudgazer Sudan, Somalia, Darfur: What can I say, words fail me. From Wordnik.com. [Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7] Reference
Abdi from Somalia on Somalia: Quicksand, or Vital Interests? commonsense on CNN Cuts Entire Science, Tech Team. From Wordnik.com. [CJR] Reference
But really, I think that American policy in Somalia is in flux. From Wordnik.com. [After Two Decades Of War, Somalia Still Struggling] Reference
A British aid worker kidnapped by gunmen in Somalia is reported to be alive and well. From Wordnik.com. [Briton Kidnapped in Somalia Reported to Be Well] Reference
Jeff, your proposition of altruistic intervention in Somalia is very ‘nice’ but rejects geo-political realities. From Wordnik.com. [Somalia Ruined: Intervention Fails Again « Antiwar.com Blog] Reference
Somalia is not a stable place and we want the US in Somalia. From Wordnik.com. [Think Progress » Bush Supporting Somali Warlords Responsible for Downing U.S. Black Hawk] Reference
Somalia is not a stable place and we want the U.S. in Somalia. From Wordnik.com. [Think Progress » ‘Tens of Thousands’ of Somalians Demonstrate Against U.S. Support for Militias] Reference
Embassy staff in Somalia from a rebel siege) were all of that kind. From Wordnik.com. [Barack Obama and the Powell Doctrine] Reference
Are you saying Somalia is a country of Libertarians?. From Wordnik.com. [Think Progress » Missouri Lawmaker’s Argument Against Repealing DADT: It Would Be A ‘Cultural Affront’ To Terrorists] Reference
The last case of natural smallpox occurred in Somalia in 1977. From Wordnik.com. [Trivia Corner] Reference
Someone help Storm secure citizenship in Somalia? tony and lido. From Wordnik.com. [Think Progress » Steve King: Immigrants Aren’t ‘Real Americans If They Love Taxes’] Reference
MICHELE NORRIS, host: Most of the news we hear from Somalia is bad. From Wordnik.com. [In East Africa, A Bright Spot Amid The Anarchy] Reference
He was NOT in Somalia with the Rangers or Special Forces during the. From Wordnik.com. [RON BLECKER] Reference
She did not assert herself on the crises in Somalia, Haiti and Rwanda. From Wordnik.com. [It's War - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com] Reference
Not to nitpik, but Somalia is how that country/failed state/? is spelled. From Wordnik.com. [Think Progress » Ron Paul’s CPAC Win Highlights Raging Rift Between Libertarians And Social Conservatives] Reference
But there are many in Somalia who doubt whether Mohamed is up to the task. From Wordnik.com. [Newly Appointed Prime Minister of Somalia is US Citizen] Reference
Claims he was in Somalia during the Blackhawk Down situation and had been in. From Wordnik.com. [Heroes or Villains?] Reference
Black Caucus was among those urging U.S. involvement in Somalia and in Haiti. From Wordnik.com. [The Coming Anarchy] Reference
Born in Somalia; finished high school in Arizona and ran for Univ. of Arizona. From Wordnik.com. [USATODAY.com] Reference
Somalia is a nice example of what happens when there is no government whatsoever. From Wordnik.com. [Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » An Apt Analogy] Reference
I suggest they settle in Somalia if they want a land with no government oversight. From Wordnik.com. [Think Progress » Rep. Steve King floats secession as possible response to health care reform.] Reference
Volunteers for the “Build Rush a Bunker in Somalia” are gathering as we speak. From Wordnik.com. [Think Progress » Limbaugh vows to flee the country if health care passes.] Reference
President Museveni said sending troops to Somalia is an act of African solidarity. From Wordnik.com. [Ugandan President Offers Troops for Somalia] Reference
Lordet says another Horn of Africa country, Somalia, is among the 20 worst offenders. From Wordnik.com. [Media Monitor Issues Warning on Press Freedom] Reference
Obama has also proposed new IMET programs in Somalia, Equatorial Guinea, and Zimbabwe. From Wordnik.com. [Global Voices in English » Ghana: Bloggers React to Obama’s Speech] Reference
Mohamed is an American citizen who has not lived in Somalia for more than two decades. From Wordnik.com. [New Somali Prime Minister Takes Office] Reference
I think patsy wants to live in Somalia – that paradise of right wing/libertarian values!. From Wordnik.com. [Think Progress » Obama: I’d rather be a ‘really good one-term president’ than ‘mediocre two-term president.’] Reference
The difference to modern Somalia is that there was an official structure to Icelandic society. From Wordnik.com. [The Volokh Conspiracy » Public Opinion, Anti-Discrimination Law, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964] Reference
Maybe you might want to look into spending your later years in Somalia … a libertarians paradise. From Wordnik.com. [Think Progress » Right Wing Reacts With Rage: Health Care Will ‘Do More Damage Than 9/11,’ ‘Freedom Has Been Assaulted’] Reference
What is it about Afghanistan that requires a large-scale American commitment that is not extant in Somalia?. From Wordnik.com. [It’s My Prerogative | ATTACKERMAN] Reference
Jimmy Carter was ultimately undone by a hostage crisis and the word Somalia still haunts Bill Clinton's legacy. From Wordnik.com. [Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines] Reference
Human rights groups and media outlets have been reporting about the existence of child soldiers in Somalia for years. From Wordnik.com. [Somalia Child Soldiers To Be Released, Says UN] Reference
Factions in Somalia and Afghanistan have accused their enemies of being backed not only by the CIA but by malevolent jinn. From Wordnik.com. [Archive 2006-12-01] Reference
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