The somite pattern in the fish embryo is much less complex than the segment pattern of the Drosophila larva. From [Nobel Lecture The Identification Of Genes Controlling Development In Flies And Fishes] Reference
The genes affecting somite subdivision by the horizontal myoseptum might represent members of these signalling processes (Figure 5G). From [Nobel Lecture The Identification Of Genes Controlling Development In Flies And Fishes] Reference
These two body segments are connected with a small waist called the pedicle or the pregenital somite. From [CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]] Reference
These two main body parts are connected together by a pregenital somite, the pregenital somite is also known as a peclide. From [CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]] Reference
When the wave of gene expression encounters a set of responsive cells, those cells are specified to become the next somite. From [ - latest science and technology news stories] Reference
Tarantulas have two body parts viz. the prosoma (cephalothorax) and the opisthososma (abdomen) that are connected via the pregenital somite (pedicle). From Reference
Alternatively, reduced O-fucosylation might preferentially affect sites that are substrates for LFNG and thus important for somite formation and patterning. From [BioMed Central - Latest articles] Reference
Pdx-1 is expressed in the mouse primitive gut as early as the 13 somite stage (E8. 5), about a day before endocrine gene expression and 1.5 days before the first morphologic evidence of pancreas organogenesis. From [PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles] Reference
Normal Lfng expression and anterior-posterior somite patterning is highly sensitive to reduced POFUT1 levels in early mammalian embryos, whereas other early Notch-dependent processes such as establishment of left-right asymmetry or neurogenesis are not. From [BioMed Central - Latest articles] Reference
The current study was carried out to test whether any of the five major signaling pathways are regulated by tbx16 during two specific stages of mesoderm development: primitive red blood cell formation in the intermediate mesoderm and somite formation in the tail paraxial mesoderm. From [BioMed Central - Latest articles] Reference
Cax mutant embryos have somites of variable size, showed partly abnormal Lfng expression and, consistently defective anterior-posterior somite patterning and axial skeleton development but had virtually no defects in several other Notch-regulated early developmental processes outside the paraxial mesoderm that we analyzed. From [BioMed Central - Latest articles] Reference
In zebrafish, overexpression of gadd45b by mRNA injection at the 1-cell stage leads to somite segmentation defect and a down-regulation of gadd45b was not misexpressed in fogsk8 embryos until late segmentation stages, fogsk8 embryos do not show obvious segmentation defects and no reduction in myoD transcript levels was observed in our expression profiling analysis. From [PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles] Reference
Fertilized White Leghorn chicken eggs were incubated for 48 hours at 38°C until they reached the 18-23 somite stage. 3 µl of Fast Green (Sigma-Aldrich Corp. From [PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles] Reference
Metamere: a segment, somite or athromere. From [Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology] Reference
Arthromere: a body segment or ring: = somite. From [Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology] Reference
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