Here is a spherule which is producing it in an elastic solid. From [The Wave Theory of Light] Reference
At one site at El Penon, the researchers found 52 species present in sediments below the impact spherule layer, and counted all 52 still present in layers above the molten droplets or spherules. From [Dinosaur Extinction Occured 300,000 Years After Asteroid Impact | Impact Lab] Reference
The fine dust of Mr. Aitken exists everywhere, even in the upper regions of the atmosphere; many of its particles are of ultra-microscopic fineness, one of them must exist in every raindrop, nay, even in every spherule of a mist or cloud, but it is only occasionally that one can find them with the microscope. From [Scientific American Supplement, No. 443, June 28, 1884] Reference
A microscope picture shows the spongy texture of a carbon spherule. From [National Geographic News] Reference
Conversation with him reduced the world from a sphere to a spherule. From [The Life of Sir Richard Burton] Reference
Lytechinus variegatus red spherule coelomocytes after disruption of acto-myosin contractility. From [ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science] Reference
It is characterized by their pink color, their spherular shape (micro-spherule) and the vortex. From [EurekAlert! - Breaking News] Reference
I use that billfold for my Classic ultrasound Muse of history (complete spherule bob up pen) now. From [D*I*Y Planner - Comments] Reference
The spherule of force which is the primitive basis of a cell spends itself in the discharge of its work. From [The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life] Reference
"There is no other way that hexagonal diamonds could have ended up in a carbon spherule in this number," said Dr West. From [The Unreasonable Man] Reference
Imagine the solid to extend miles horizontally and miles up and down, and imagine this spherule to vibrate up and down. From [The Wave Theory of Light] Reference
Since this is where the samples with the increased spherule content came from, we were not surprised to find more of the spherules there. From [ - latest science and technology news stories] Reference
What can be more widely contrasted than a newly-born child, and the small, semi-transparent gelatinous spherule constituting the human ovum?. From [Evolution, Old & New Or, the Theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, as compared with that of Charles Darwin] Reference
Set of Iberulites observed with optical microscope, characterized by their pink color, their spherular shape (micro-spherule) and the vortex. From [Scientific Blogging] Reference
Let me twist this spherule in the jelly as I am now doing, and that will produce vibrations, also spreading out equally in all horizontal directions. From [The Wave Theory of Light] Reference
At one site at El Penon, the researchers found 52 species present in sediments below the impact spherule layer, and counted all 52 still present in layers above the spherules. From [Science Blog - Science news straight from the source] Reference
Now the motion of the luminiferous ether relatively to the spherule gives rise to the same effect as would an opposite motion impressed upon the spherule quite independently by an independent force. From [The Wave Theory of Light] Reference
This primitive form in the upper convex part was a structure of contiguous globules or spherules, and each spherule was a joining together of those more minute, and each of these in like manner of those most minute. From [Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom] Reference
The phenomena of life in the higher animals and plants are indeed far too complex to be understood; but if commencing with these we go down the scale, we find these phenomena becoming simpler and simpler until they reach the simplest expression in the microscopic cell or microscopic spherule of protoplasm. From [Documenting the American South: The Southern Experience in 19-th Century America] Reference
The cellular events associated to radial cord regeneration include: (1) outgrowth of nerve fibers from the injured radial cord stumps, (2) intense cellular division in the cord stumps and in the regenerating radial nerve cords, (3) high levels of apoptosis in the RNC adjacent to the injury and within the regenerating cord and (4) an increase in the number of spherule-containing cells. From [BioMed Central - Latest articles] Reference
Lastly, I must tell you about the colour of the blue sky which is illustrated by this spherule imbedded in an elastic solid (FIG. From [The Wave Theory of Light] Reference
They ignore Smit’s much touted identifying criteria (CCNet Jan. 24) and the fact that the original Chixulub spherule ejecta is interbedded in undisturbed marine marls 4-5 m below the event deposit (BBC Horizon 2004: What didn’t kill the dinosaurs). From [Should Keller's Thin Sections Be Independently Tested? « Climate Audit] Reference
The final paragraph of Courty's 1998 paper on the subject reads: "Abundantly reported from past geological records, the presence of spherule-rich layers as possible diagnostic markers of extra-terrestrial impact has been fiercely debated, but it appears they are often associated with volcanic events. From [Godzilla's Attacking Babylon!] Reference
In tiny spherule traced with lines. From [The Complete Works of Whittier] Reference
Life itself springs from a spherule of forces. From [The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand] Reference
"a molybdenum-rich spherule.". From [911 Blogger News Feed] Reference
(12,800-13,100 cal BP), section through spherule. From [ - latest science and technology news stories] Reference
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