Peter Riddell:It's time to give the allowances system a spring-clean. From [Comment Central - Times Online - WBLG:] Reference
Oh, it was safe enough, even at the spring-clean, or when we had to paper again. From [Rose cottage]
I was helping her mentioned above spring-clean one time and I discovered a - how can I put this - mr exitement?. From ["Sleeping apart has in no way ruined our sex life — if anything, it has made it better."] Reference
It was proposed that the services begin at Advent (November 28 until just after Christmas) and be linked to a township spring-clean. From [ANC Daily News Briefing] Reference
Flegg had nagged me to spring-clean, and I'd moaned and whined at the time, but right now I was glad the place looked sparkly fresh. From [Asimov's Science Fiction]
Immersed in stripping wallpaper off the walls in the living room, in a bid to spring-clean her life, Sophie cursed beneath her breath when someone rang on the doorbell. From [Mistress On Demand]
Long ordered us all to spring-clean the club from top to bottom, and laid on a banquet, for which he asked me to be his interpreter, which made some of the other students extremely envious. From [WILD SWANS THREE DAUGHTERS OF CHINA]
In a few short days the vernal equinox will rear its well-organized head and instead of being made to feel like a compulsive neat freak, I can spring-clean with societal approval and encouragement. digg. From [Karen Leland: Spring Clean Your Closet in Four Easy Steps] Reference
Our first activity was to begin a spring-clean of the village. From [Videos (RSS 2.0)] Reference
"In my family, it took my grandmother and mother two weeks to spring-clean a home," she says. From [Ottaway Online Editors] Reference
"I'm kind of impatient," Nolvak admits, explaining his idea for a 24-hour national spring-clean. From [Top stories from Times Online] Reference
His aim, as I understand it, is to get to the bottom, to spring-clean completely, to arrive, in fact, at the clinical truths. From [Died in the Wool]
For while it is easy to spring-clean the rest of the route, it is proving difficult to give Parliament Square a pre-royal wedding make-over. From [ - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph] Reference
It's as if Wednesday's penalty success in Rome was a mental spring-clean for this side, because yesterday they absolutely ripped Blackburn apart. From [East Lower] Reference
Families rush to spring-clean their homes, stock up on the finest foods, and prepare themselves mentally for this rich outpouring of family togetherness. From [MyLinkVault Newest Links] Reference
My thoughts are turning again to the need to grow things and spring-clean and organize and all those things that happen every year around now in my head. From [...seeking serenity] Reference
Katherine and Mrs. Burton were busier than anyone, for they had the store to spring-clean, and that was a task calling for hard work and careful management. From [A Countess from Canada A Story of Life in the Backwoods] Reference
But v good illustration of something those glossy supplements on how to save more, weigh less, get your act together and spring-clean your fetid psyche rarely tell you. From [The Guardian World News] Reference
Erin Bried is hoping to teach a generation of women the skills their grandmothers took for granted, such as how to shine your shoes, swaddle a newborn and spring-clean your home. From [ - News :] Reference
Based on Katie Leckey's Cleaning Grand Plan, The New Year Grand Plan Challenge kicks off the new year with a 14-week plan to clean and organize a spring-clean house for the New Year. From [Organized Home] Reference
In a few short days the vernal equinox will rear its well-organized head and instead of being made to feel like a compulsive neat freak, I can spring-clean with societal approval and encouragement. From [The Full Feed from] Reference
In a few short days the vernal equinox will rear its well-organized head and instead of being made to feel like a compulsive neat freak, I can spring-clean with societal approval and encouragement. From [The Full Feed from] Reference
Shabangu shouldn't forget, during her spring-clean of the next six months, to give some attention to enforcing environmental compliance within mining, and linking to similar efforts of other departments. From [IOL: News] Reference
The English language needs periodically to be given a spring-clean, where we scrape off the phrases that have become stuck to the floor and toss out the rotting metaphors that have fallen down the back of the settee. From [The Full Feed from] Reference
The team at Blush Beauty in the Third Ward is hosting the Spring Laura Mercier Face-to-Face event, which offers ladies the opportunity to spring-clean their makeup bags and refresh their looks, with complimentary appointments for a lesson and application. From [] Reference
Military Intelligence and it is clear that a good spring-clean is over-due. ". From [ANC Daily News Briefing] Reference
"Golly, I hope Matron doesn't suddenly take it into her head to spring-clean this cupboard!. From [The Twins At St Clare's]
"Well, to be sure!" said the clerk, "it used to hang in the best parlour at Wydcombe over the sideboard; I seed'n there when I was a boy, and my mother was helping spring-clean up at the farm. From [The Nebuly Coat] Reference
It can spring-clean. From [Media news, UK and world media comment and analysis |] Reference
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