Learn That Word

1  Get started

Student portal
Your pages

2  Quiz choices

3  Test-study concept

4  Vocabulary quiz 

Smart quiz
Spelling tutoring
Quiz structure

5  Right answer

Guess button
Recycle button

6  Wrong answer

Practice cycle
Practice button
Results count

7  ODE answers


8  Other options

Feedback sound
Grade level

9  Add words

Finding lists
Creating lists

10  Goal modules

11  Performance

12  Rewards


Video: 1 min. introduction

About LearnThatWord


by Transposh - translation plugin for wordpress

9 - Add words

This short video shows you how to add words to your sessions:

Here the info in written form, in case you don't want to watch the video:
Add words for vocabulary and spelling coaching

Finding lists

Our word list archive contains thousands of lists.
Finding the right one is easy:

Find lists you or your teacher added


Select and activate your new list in a few clicks:

Add the right word list to your tutoring session


Creating lists

If you can't find the right list, it's just as easy to create your own.


Create your own word list


To make a word list, you simply add the words you'd like to review. Everything is done for you!
If you'd like to use a different definition or add your own, that is also possible with a click.

You can also send words to your account using an email or your phone!

Before:  8 -  Other options         Here:  9 -  Add words          Next:    10  -  Goal modules