National Spelling Bee Words 2015
List #: 34919
Keywords/tags: Spelling Bee, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, Elementary school, Middle school, High school, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Economics, Geography, Psychology, Medicine, US Government, US History, World History, European History, Anatomy, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Math, Art, Music, Drama, Sport
Comments: These words contain a few from the second round of the National Spelling Bee, and all of the words from Rounds 3, 5-6, and 7-20.
Created: 06/19/2015
Modified: 06/19/2015
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Unit 1 (204 words)
wanderlust, herpetology, periscope, oregano, banzai, escritoire, rutabaga, longanimous, Wensleydale, lyddite, frijolillo, phyllomancy, fruticetum, pirarucu, vermicide, apostasy, Xiphias, carronade, factitious, ikebana, nuciform, tmesis, laconism, eutrophic, ahimsa, syncytium, habiliments, ribaldry, guenon, chiliad, blepharoplasty, hyperpyrexia, glyceraldehyde, acromion, asthenia, phthalein, persifleur, hypsometry, gallinule, scagliola, roborant, myrmidon, malmignatte, solivagant, stomatitis, rhodochrosite, quale, dorsiferous, bergschrund, emolument, sarwan, homiletic, upeygan, amentia, sortition, antinomy, balletomane, dragee, ochlophobia, psychosomatic, oberek, speleothem, heleoplankton, fanfaronade, yosenabe, impresario, Adelie, frigorific, macfarlane, pappardelle, furfuraceous, voltammetry, Pythagorean, juvenilia, intonaco, lixiviate, animalcule, gegenschein, mimotype, hamadryad, mappemonde, Plantagenet, troglobiont, courgette, budgerigar, navicella, seriema, oligopsony, avgolemono, lathyrism, mascarpone, patriliny, nonagesimal, naupathia, sumpsimus, tephra, nonpareil, hyoscyamine, frumentaceous, gastronome, aniseikonia, jacaranda, minniebush, nudicaulous, griffonage, diktat, nephelognosy, renvoi, osteomalacia, quaternion, farouche, amphictyony, heparinize, badigeon, echinulate, philologist, Hanuman, alastrim, leberwurst, phalanges, rathskeller, quaquaversal, nimbostratus, diplopia, acariasis, elytra, mesomorph, isentropic, balestra, cystectomy, heterochromia, oleiculture, pasquinade, eisegesis, quoddy, risorgimento, eustacy, denouement, saxifragous, filoselle, triskelion, vexillology, fortissimo, agama, bacteriophage, neoterism, amygdala, babiche, obnebulate, bechamel, tarantella, camorra, oenomel, caryopsis, wasteweir, dysplasia, Olmec, epitasis, trebuchet, gerenuk, zelkova, haberdasher, octonocular, effleurage, Pickwickian, execrable, Torquemada, enthalpy, lacustrine, zocalo, gongorism, demiglace, consigliere, obreptitious, nuncupative, angiitis, nainsook, barathrum, kente, bialy, falbala, damson, golem, longiloquence, coccygeal, Borsalino, gamboge, microfiche, carcinogenic, sambal, yeomanry, diamante, Glaswegian, psychagogy, vinaceous, camarilla, procrypsis, rollmops, osteitic, agaric, vilipend, rescissible, boucle, epicede
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Unit 2 (53 words)
holoku, noctidiurnal, moulage, parorexia, nictitate, valuta, cataphyll, schnell, barbellate, frangipane, punchinello, piolet, improvisatrice, mulct, vernissage, morphallaxis, gibus, realpolitik, emmetropia, oppidan, opisometer, schefflera, railleur, naranjilla, fauces, bordereau, nomothetic, sphenogram, rechauffe, Schiller, corroboree, Cimex, cupressineous, sinciput, ballabile, symblepharon, bouillabaisse, hacek, crannog, cocozelle, backfisch, gnathostome, Tartarean, bayadere, iridocyclitis, tortillon, zygoneure, sprachgefuhl, hippocrepiform, paroemiology, pipsissewa, pyrrhuloxia, nunatak