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11th grade word list

List #: 4181

Keywords/tags: vocabulary word list, spelling word list 11th grade, word list for eleventh grade, words 11th graders should know

Comments: The word list is roughly sorted by difficulty.
Subject: English vocabulary and spelling, 11th grade.
Grade Level: 11, 11th grade, eleventh grade.

Created: 06/17/2010

Modified: 06/17/2010

Rating: 5.0 (1 vote)

List of Words:

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(part 1) (30 words)

aberration, abattoir, addendum, abstruse, accouter, abortive, abrade, abut, accession, acclimatization, acetic, acolyte, affinity, affluence, aficionado, agenda, altercation, aggrieve, amorphous, aggregate, ague, agnostic, alchemy, amalgamate, amnesty, amour, Ampere, analgesic, animalcule, animate

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(part 2) (31 words)

annalist, anneal, anoint, aphrodisiac, apiary, apocryphal, ascetic, asceticism, antipathy, antediluvian, antiquary, apoplectic, apothecary, apprise, approbation, asphyxiate, archetype, argosy, asseverate, asseveration, asperity, aspersion, auspices, autocrat, autonomous, aversion, avouch, bereft, bayonet, banal, beatific

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(part 3) (31 words)

bedizen, bestiality, bialys, bicameralism, bicentenary, biennial, bijou, blandishment, biliousness, blasphemous, blatant, brevity, brier, bromide, bungle, browbeat, cacophony, callosity, calumny, chauvinist, captious, carmine, carnal, catholic, catholicity, causal, celerity, chivalry, centiliter, champ, chancery

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(part 4) (31 words)

chicanery, clairvoyant, chromatic, chronology, circumnavigate, circumvent, cloister, coercive, clothier, cognizant, clamorous, claustrophobia, collusion, clement, climacteric, collective, coadjutor, codicil, cohort, colloquial, consternation, constituency, constituent, contusion, concession, commensurate, commiserate, committal, composite, conflagration, complacence

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(part 5) (31 words)

complicity, comprise, compunction, conclave, consensus, conservatism, conformable, conformance, conformation, congeal, congenital, conjugal, connoisseur, connote, connubial, consanguinity, corroboration, corrosive, constable, construe, consummate, contemporaneous, contiguous, contingent, contumely, conveyance, countervail, coquetry, cornice, cornucopia, correlate

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(part 6) (31 words)

cosmic, cosmology, coterie, couplet, covert, cynicism, creamery, crucible, crusade, cubicle, cumbersome, currency, curtsy, cygnet, debauch, debonair, decant, deceitful, decennial, decimate, deliquesce, decorous, defraud, delude, decoy, deduce, deface, defalcation, defamation, defeatist, dentifrice

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(part 7) (31 words)

degradation, deify, deject, delineate, despondent, demerit, denominate, depopulate, depose, depository, deprave, dignitary, deprecate, depredation, diabolic, diffusion, descry, desecrate, discern, devolve, determinate, deterrent, detraction, diadem, diatribe, differential, disallow, disinfectant, disingenuous, disinherit, displace

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(part 8) (31 words)

disconsolate, discord, discrete, discursive, disdain, disenfranchise, dispossess, docket, disjointed, disunion, dram, dramatist, disparity, dispel, disrobe, dissect, dissection, dissemble, disseminate, dissent, dissident, dissolute, dissolution, dissonance, distillation, distrait, distraught, divergent, divinity, divisor, doleful

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(part 9) (31 words)

dolorous, domain, domicile, domineer, dormant, dote, dowry, dragnet, dun, elegiac, dross, durance, encroach, encumber, ecclesiastic, egress, embroil, educe, effectual, effeminate, efficacious, efficacy, effusion, embolden, enclave, egotism, ennui, enrapture, emeritus, eminence, emissary

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(part 10) (31 words)

empathy, empyrean, Endear, endemic, endue, enfeeble, enfranchise, engender, enjoin, equable, equanimity, ensnare, enthuse, entity, entrench, entrepreneur, epicure, equivocal, equivocate, ersatz, erupt, eschew, escutcheon, estimable, estrange, euphonious, euthanasia, eviscerate, excitation, exasperate, expatiate

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(part 11) (31 words)

expeditiously, fetid, excerpt, excrescence, exculpate, excursion, exhume, exigencies, exorcise, expiate, expiation, explicate, explosive, expulsion, extradite, extremity, foppish, felicitous, fatalism, faun, fealty, febrile, feudal, fey, fixture, finale, fief, figment, filibuster, finery, furrier

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(part 12) (31 words)

firmament, follicle, fishmonger, flagellate, flatulence, fortitude, foist, foment, foolery, forebode, foreordain, forethought, formidable, frangible, fraudulence, fustian, friable, fructify, fruition, fumigate, garrulity, genealogy, gage, gaily, gainsay, galore, gauche, genre, gentility, gossamer, grandiose

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(part 13) (31 words)

gratuitous, guanine, gubernatorial, guillotine, guttural, harry, harangue, heritage, hedonism, hirsute, hibernate, homage, homogeneous, importune, imbecile, imbue, immanent, inestimable, immemorial, impecunious, inexpensive, inexperience, intuitive, impropriety, impute, inadvertence, inalienable, incarnate, incessant, incommunicado, indite

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(part 14) (31 words)

increment, indigent, indiscernible, indiscriminate, indulgent, ineligible, infernal, infiltrate, infinite, inflect, influx, innate, infringe, infuse, inglorious, ingot, inimical, injunction, inkling, innuendo, inoffensive, inopportune, inquisitor, inscrutable, introspection, instigate, intemperance, intone, intoxicate, intercede, intercessor

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(part 15) (31 words)

interim, interpose, keepsake, intestate, intricacy, intrinsic, invariable, itinerant, itinerary, invigorate, inviolable, inviolate, iridescent, irreparable, irrepressible, irreverence, joggle, judicature, jugular, kiloliter, jurist, juxtapose, legitimacy, knickknack, knighthood, lacteal, lactic, laity, lancet, lapidary, lapse

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(part 16) (31 words)

lascivious, lattice, laud, laudatory, laundress, lave, lawgiver, lieu, legacy, legionary, legislate, litigant, leviathan, levity, levy, lewd, lexicographer, libretto, ligament, lingo, liniment, liqueur, listless, literate, liturgy, livid, manliness, locomotion, logician, lore, luminary

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(part 17) (31 words)

luminescence, madrigal, loiterer, magniloquent, mead, lunacy, lunar, lupine, lustrous, luxuriant, mace, macerate, machiavellian, macrocosm, magisterial, maize, malapropism, malefactor, malfeasance, malignity, man-eater, maniac, manifesto, martinet, meddlesome, medial, manumission, maroon, marsupial, masonry, matricide

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(part 18) (31 words)

maxim, mendacity, menial, metallurgic, meditation, meliorate, melodious, meticulous, metric, meretricious, mesmerize, millennium, millet, milliner, mete, meteoric, mileage, militarism, miscegenation, misadventure, misanthropy, misapprehend, miscreant, mislay, miter, mitigate, modernity, modicum, mollify, moratorium, monitory

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(part 19) (31 words)

monotheism, mores, motif, motley, multiform, multiplicity, mundane, narcissus, narcotic, nascent, nocturne, ocular, nullify, omnipotent, omniscience, naval, navigable, nemesis, neoclassic, neuter, nirvana, noisome, nonchalance, nonpareil, objurgate, oblate, norm, normalcy, notary, nuance, oakum

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(part 20) (31 words)

obeisance, obsolescent, obtrude, obtrusive, octavo, oculist, odoriferous, onomatopoeia, onus, ophthalmic, ophthalmologist, ophthalmology, optic, optimum, optometry, orate, ordinal, ornithology, orthodox, orthopedist, oscillate, osculate, Ossify, ostensible, outmoded, overlord, overpay, overtone, overweening, parson, partisan

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(part 21) (31 words)

oxymoron, paraplegia, paleontology, palfrey, penitence, palsy, panacea, pandemic, papal, parallelism, paraphernalia, paregoric, parlance, parole, parsimonious, patriarch, patrician, patronize, paucity, pauper, pectoral, perspicuity, pertinacious, perturb, perusal, peremptory, perfectible, pestilent, peddler, pediatrician, peerless

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(part 22) (31 words)

penetration, penology, pension, penultimate, perfunctorily, perfunctory, pillory, permutation, peroration, perquisite, petulance, phoenix, predatory, pleasantry, pithy, placate, polysaccharide, pontificate, possessor, postdate, postgraduate, pragmatic, precipitate, precipitous, preclude, precocious, prelate, preponderate, prerogative, prowess, privy

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(part 23) (31 words)

protract, protuberant, profligate, prognosticate, proletariat, prominence, propensity, prostrate, provident, psyche, psychosis, purloin, pungent, purity, pyromaniac, pyrotechnics, queue, quintessence, raffish, quixotic, redolent, rapport, rabid, raconteur, real, reconnaissance, refractory, referrer, reciprocate, retinue, reinstate

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(part 24) (31 words)

reliant, reluctance, remonstrance, repine, reprehension, reprieve, sacerdotal, salvo, requiem, requital, residue, resurgent, reticence, retribution, revocation, rheumy, ruminate, ruffian, rondo, rotund, scarify, salience, salutation, sanguinary, sapient, sebaceous, schism, scholastic, scintilla, scion, secrecy

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(part 25) (31 words)

sequester, scythe, secant, sedative, sedition, seditious, senescent, sensibility, sexton, sonic, skepticism, shroud, sibyl, similitude, sinecure, spindling, stipulation, sophism, sophistical, sophistry, specialty, specie, specious, squabble, spoliation, sprite, stanchion, statuesque, svelte, stellar, stentorian

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(part 26) (31 words)

stoical, stratagem, stricture, strident, suasion, submersion, subservience, subsidize, subsistence, substantive, suffice, terminology, sybarite, sward, sylvan, syntactical, tactile, talisman, temerity, tenet, tenuous, tenure, tertiary, theocratic, thrall, throes, tocsin, tonsure, trestle, treble, trenchant

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(part 27) (31 words)

tribulation, trident, trisect, triumvirate, trousseau, truculence, turgid, turpitude, tutelage, typographical, umber, alluvion, wallow, utilitarianism, antenatal, valorous, vagary, variant, vestige, vellum, venerate, veneration, venison, verily, vibrant, virile, vicissitudes, virulence, virulent, visage, viscount

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(part 28) (31 words)

vituperate, viviparous, vivisection, vocal, vocative, volt, voracious, wainscot, wampum, wantonness, weal, counting-house, witticism, Catholicism, Christendom, intracellular, intromit, zeitgeist, zenith, zephyr, Occident, orgies, palinode, paly, cabalism, Calvinism, Canaanite, cosmography, Darwinism, altercate, aborigines

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(part 29) (31 words)

gynecocracy, habitude, heteromorphic, hydromechanics, hydrostatics, imbrue, imperfectible, impersuadable, incoercible, antistrophe, arborescent, arboriculture, arrear, assonate, belate, bibliomania, botanize, burgess, decaliter, derisible, dialectician, divagation, dolesome, epicycloid, extensor, foreshore, irreverential, isothermal, laudation, lingua, liquefacient

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(part 30) (31 words)

lune, metaphysician, mnemonics, pantoscope, philogynist, prescriptible, privity, protomartyr, protuberate, ramose, raptorial, fulgent, ennobling, ramifications, scalar, surveil, reside, secrete, ally, incorporate, commune, bauble, bandanna, bullion, cassowary, centaur, cortege, dewlap, carapace, fiord, clavicle

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(part 31) (23 words)

hansom, fakir, flagon, flotsam, fuselage, larva, layette, marathon, marquetry, levitation, pantheon, pachyderm, scone, pilaster, quill, sachet, roe, toreador, vial, vortex, Gandhi, Guinness, exorcize

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