Less than 10 months after the launch of our revised site we crossed the 300,000 user mark. Free tutoring, our Vocabulary Junction campaign and the launch of the free Open Dictionary of English caused exponential growth. A big Thank You … Continue reading
Große Artikel über den Wert des Wortschatzes: http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2013/01/building-better-kids-vocabulary-edition Es ist mir unbegreiflich, wie jemand könnte die Bedeutung der Vokabeln zu zweifeln, wenn Sie “müssen” ein starkes Vokabular entrechtet. … Continue reading
The contest is designed to draw attention to the critical importance of literacy and education for individuals around the world. The contest is open for submission at readingchangedmylife.org. Individuals are encouraged to submit a photograph or video that illustrates “how reading … Continue reading