A beautiful movie about what it means to be comfortable with language and literacy: Posted via email from LearnThat’s Blog
… Und wenn Sie über die Förderung von Chancengleichheit und den Abbau von Ungleichheiten kümmern, ist das Klassenzimmer der Ort, um zu starten. "~ Arne Duncan, 9. Oktober 2009. … oder vielleicht das Internet? … personalisiertes Lernen mit Open gekoppelt und … Lesen Sie weiter
Check out this little report, in which a neuro-scientist explains that the characteristic of an expert is less mental activity, not more.You become an expert once you gain automaticity around the elements required for expertise.This used to be called memory, but since ideology has piled a lot … Lesen Sie weiter
He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance. Friedrich Nietzsche
Interesting thoughts on IQ and genius by Delanceyplace.com. It talks about how IQ is not static, but develops based on everyday common needs. I bought the book. Looking forward to a more quiet time to read it! Posted via email from LearnThat’s … Lesen Sie weiter