I'm curious about the "Learn That Word" app. What grade level is it appropriate for? I teach high school and don't want to get burned buying another app that looks like it may be great for my kids but is … Lesen Sie weiter
Take a look at this passionate and engaging TED talk by my friend Randy Wilhelm of Thinkronize: . Fascinating! Mostbet Azərbaycan yükləyin
Hurray, the new website is finally live! The new updates have been a great challenge for our small (yet savvy) team. What's new? Our own collaborative multi-media OPEN DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH, for one. 180,000 entries, with strong focus on learning and providing … Lesen Sie weiter
We’re delighted to join the Edmodo community! If you’re an Edmodo teacher or student, please join us: http://www.edmodo.com/publisher/learnthat Posted via email from LearnThat’s Blog paris sportifs sans vérification
My daughter celebrating with her Dog, Mowgli. Posted via email from LearnThat’s Blog
… you might be dyslexic. [from a t-shirt I saw today] Posted via email from LearnThat’s Blog sites de paris sportifs russes
A big step towards making LearnThatWord an easy, one-click choice for schools: we are now available in the Google Apps Marketplace. Schools using the free Google Apps for Education program can now make LearnThatWord available for teachers and students … Lesen Sie weiter
I live in a great place. Little Sebastopol in Sonoma County, home to a lot of conscientious and smart people, and among them the good folks at O'Reillys. Today, I came a across a discussion on the value of practice, which culminated … Lesen Sie weiter
… we’re excited to announce the launch of our new rewards program! LearnThatWord users now earn coins for completing quizzes! These coins buy anything from La Linea cartoons to games to free learning credits, etc. After all, the biggest challenge about … Lesen Sie weiter
The following excerpt is a text sent to me yesterday by the delanceyplace.com snippet collector, one of the few emails I enjoy reading whenever I find the time to: "We tend to be cognitive misers. When approaching a problem, we … Lesen Sie weiter