“If you want to be rich, you have to have a rich man’s vocabulary. Words can make you rich, or can make you poor.” Robert Kiyosaki, author of the popular book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Read more on https://1win.fyi/ .
Es macht das Scripps National Spelling Bee härter, aber auch viel aussagekräftiger. … Continue reading
We have a lot of members who prepare for the National Spelling Bee, so this article about a Vocabulary Bowl held by I.B. Tigrett Middle School in Jackson, Tennessee, was brought to our attention: http://www.wbbjtv.com/news/local/Vocabulary-Bowl-Tests-Students-Knowledge-199199441.html What stood out was the … Continue reading
Große Artikel über den Wert des Wortschatzes: http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2013/01/building-better-kids-vocabulary-edition Es ist mir unbegreiflich, wie jemand könnte die Bedeutung der Vokabeln zu zweifeln, wenn Sie “müssen” ein starkes Vokabular entrechtet. … Continue reading
Check out this little report, in which a neuro-scientist explains that the characteristic of an expert is less mental activity, not more.You become an expert once you gain automaticity around the elements required for expertise.This used to be called memory, but since ideology has piled a lot … Continue reading