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Video: Why vocabulary matters

Video: Who uses it

Video: What people say
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A big step towards making LearnThatWord an easy, one-click choice for schools: we are now available in the Google Apps Marketplace.

Schools using the free Google Apps for Education program can now make LearnThatWord available for teachers and students with a click. Google Apps provides sophisticated email features with calendar, tasks, and document tools that can be used privately or shared by your constituents in a free and ad-free environment.

Ohne Pro-Kopf-Lizenzgebühren - - Da unser Programm wird durch die-Sorglos, erschwinglich und 100% gemessen Pay-Per-Result-Konzept angeboten, es ist leicht zu bekommen alle durch den Google Apps Marketplace gestartet.

Students receive 5 free learning credits each, schools 100 additional credits. This allows for a few weeks of trial time, on average.

In addition, all third graders study free with our Vocabulary Junction campaign. Your annual expense is capped to protect your budget, making it the easiest, most accountable and most affordable tutoring solution available to remediate vocabulary and spelling.

Click here to add it to your Google Apps for Education account now:


Click here if you don’t yet have a free Google Apps for Education account and would like to get started.

Posted via email aus LearnThat Blog

Posted by Rosevita Warda in Uncategorized.

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