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Many people may not know yet that Google has an extremely effective and generous grants program that helps nonprofits connect with their audience. Our Vocabulary Junction campaign, for example, has been made possible by their grant and it had a dramatic effect on our website.

Yesterday and today I participated at the Google grants workshop at headquarters in Mountain View.
I'm impressed and humbled by the generosity and support extended to the philanthropic community, and delighted to meet the dynamic and enthusiastic team that provides support to over 7,000 nonprofits.

It is fun and inspiring to learn directly from the bright and fun Google volunteers who blew my mind with making the complex simple.
Also, I'm really impressed by Google's internal culture:
The communication within the team, the beauty of the campus and of course, the cafeteria.

Everybody seems to have a wonderful and wonderfully productive time.

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Posted by Rosevita Warda in Uncategorized.

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