Descriptive Words
List #: 11702
Keywords/tags: Elementary school
Comments: Descriptive vocabulary words
Created: 09/15/2012
Modified: 09/15/2012
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big (30 words)
ample, behemoth, broad, bulky, capacious, colossal, expansive, extensive, grand, great, hulking, humongous, husky, immeasurable, immense, jumbo, magnificent, major, mammoth, massive, mighty, monumental, overgrown, oversize, prodigious, spacious, staggering, stupendous, substantial, titanic
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big and small (20 words)
towering, tremendous, vast, voluminous, whopping, bitty, cramped, diminutive, dwarfish, inconsequential, insignificant, light, limited, meager, microscopic, miniature, miniscule, minor, modest, paltry
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small (13 words)
petite, piddling, puny, runty, scanty, scrubby, skimpy, slight, stubby, trifling, trivial, truncated, undersized