Weaving It Together 4 - Connecting Reading and Writing
List #: 175
Comments: A favorite over a decade, WEAVING IT TOGETHER connects high-interest readings with clear writing activities to help students be more confident in their ability to understand and express ideas in English. Each level of WEAVING IT TOGETHER, 2/e contains eight thematically organized units, each of which includes two interrelated chapters. Robust activities, structure lessons, and plenty of writing practice help students develop their ideas clearly and with confidence..
Publisher: Heinle ELT; 2nd edition (November 17, 2003).
Author: Milada Broukal.
Subject: English.
Isbn: 9780838448311.
Created: 09/16/2009
Modified: 09/16/2009
(3 votes)
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(21 words)
anticipated, come to grips, compensated, contempt, conventional, depicted, elaborate, fatal, genre, impact, linear, notorious, perception, periodical, potential, radical, reclaimed, restraint, self-assurance, teased, turbulent
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(18 words)
capital, domination, escort, fanaticism, hub, indifferent, liberal, merge, ongoing, onset, philanthropist, phonetic, resemble, revived, revolve, shed, surround, unrest
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(19 words)
anoint, assess, evidence, ferocity, fuzzy, grave, groomed, hygiene, imminent, indulge, infested, modify, myopic, observe, peak, prey, rampant, repressed, virtuous
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(18 words)
affiliation, booty, confront, consecrated, emergency, ensnare, funds, hasten, impartial, infiltrate, maintain, mayhem, perform, prey, random, stipend, testimony, wiles
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(22 words)
ample, aversive, awkward, dimension, dominant, enterprising, grace, hierarchically, hot-tempered, impulsive, introspective, lean, mean, meticulous, possess, propose, retiring, stimulation, stooped, subtle, torso, uninhibited
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(20 words)
adornment, coarse, conspicuous, cumbersome, dainty, defy, elite, exalted, forbidden, frivolity, indigenous, nomadic, nuisance, prudish, silly, status, stunted, torment, vanity, vehemently
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(19 words)
adulterated, assessment, conglomeration, contaminated, controversy, counter, fake, gut, incidence, insert, linked, loaded, metabolize, mold, peak, resistant, saliva, veterinary, yield
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(19 words)
abuse, adopt, consciousness, deliberately, donor, duty, endowed, era, fund, humanely, issue, massive, modify, pedigree, prospect, pursuit, rate, status, vulnerable