The Body
List #: 583
Comments: I entered this list while studying with's resources.Very useful!
Description: The following words are used when talking about things related to the body..
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Created: 10/06/2009
Modified: 10/06/2009
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The Body - Arms and Hands (11 words)
elbow, finger, middle finger, little finger, ring finger, fist, forearm, hand, palm, thumb, wrist
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The Body - Heads and Shoulders (20 words)
chin, cheek, ear, eye, eyebrow, eyelash, forehead, hair, head, lip, mouth, neck, nose, nostril, jaw, shoulder, tooth, teeth, tongue, throat
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The Body - Legs and Feet (14 words)
ankle, calf, foot, feet, heel, hip, knee, leg, shin, thigh, toe, big toe, little toe, toenail
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The Body - Verbs Used with Different Parts of the Body (29 words)
blink, glance, stare, wink, point, scratch, kick, clap, punch, shake, slap, smack, nod, kiss, whistle, eat, mutter, talk, taste, whisper, breathe, smell, sniff, shrug, bite, chew, stub, lick, swallow