4th grade spelling words and vocabulary list
List #: 3068
Keywords/tags: 4th grade spelling words, vocabulary word list, spelling word list 4th grade, word list for fourth grade, words 4th graders should know
Comments: The word list is roughly sorted by difficulty.
Description: This is a list of 1,800 words fourth grade students should know, including those that are hard to spell. This fourth grade word list will prepare them for texts typically read during 4th grade..
Subject: English vocabulary and spelling, 4th grade.
Grade Level: 4, 4th grade, fourth grade.
Created: 03/11/2010
Modified: 03/11/2010
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(part 1) (30 words)
accept, addition, alternative, account, affect, afraid, abuse, absorption, accounts, abide, aboriginal, abroad, absorb, absence, accompany, accomplish, addend, advice, advance, adventure, adverb, alphabet, appetizer, ample, amplify, amuse, amusement, amusing, arbor, angora
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(part 2) (31 words)
angry, ankle, annoy, annually, antonym, anxious, apartment, appear, archer, area, argue, arise, artist, ashamed, assent, await, awaken, aware, attend, bait, barreled, autograph, average, bare, blessed, berth, bewitch, beyond, bidden, bide, big-name
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(part 3) (31 words)
byte, bigness, billion, biology, blackboard, blouse, blown, blink, bloody, blooming, bluff, bluish, blush, boast, boredom, braid, breeze, bold, bomb, borrow, bouncing, brake, bump, bumpy, bundle, cabbage, brood, brook, brotherhood, bubbly, buggy
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(part 4) (31 words)
buoyancy, burnt, burst, bushel, buttermilk, cacti, calculate, cautious, calm, canal, canary, cancer, casual, captain, captive, carefully, carelessly, climbing, cheat, childish, chill, chalk, chamber, chambers, cheerful, cheerfulness, cell, cheek, central, ceramic, climate
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(part 5) (31 words)
clippers, clipping, closely, closet, clothes, clue, collar, collect, concentrate, concentrated, concerning, concussion, condition, conditioner, conditions, condominium, cone, confederate, confess, confidence, confident, consent, congress, conquer, consider, corrosion, consist, consult, contact, contemplate, contents
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(part 6) (31 words)
continue, converse, corpse, correction, corporate, correctly, create, crept, crew, custodian, customarily, cried, cries, crippled, crises, croak, crock, culinary, declare, decline, crowd, crucial, crush, crutch, crystallization, debase, cue, cultivator, cunning, curable, delectable
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(part 7) (31 words)
dalmatian, dangerous, daze, deadly, deaf, dealer, dealings, debate, decay, deceit, decent, decide, deodorant, decorate, defeat, deserved, define, delighted, despite, delivery, dense, deposit, depth, deputy, disloyal, desert, device, devil, desire, desperate, dismiss
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(part 8) (31 words)
distrust, ditch, drama, disregard, distance, distant, eager, diverse, divide, divorce, double, dour, downtown, elbow, election, encourage, dwell, dwelling, dye, earmuffs, earnest, easygoing, engine, enjoyable, equal, equator, entertain, entire, errand, erratic, extended
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(part 9) (31 words)
extensive, extent, exterior, factor, fairly, fairy, faith, fitted, forbid, forbidden, famous, fancy, fare, feelings, flung, fasten, fate, fault, fearless, feature, female, fender, ferry, fertilizer, fever, foundation, final, finally, fifteen, figure, figured
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(part 10) (31 words)
filth, fourth, finished, flatter, fled, flee, flesh, foreman, foggy, folk, fond, fondle, foolish, forced, forecast, fringe, garage, gobble, gram, frontier, fuel, although, adhere, accuracy, accuse, ache, acid, admire, admit, acre, acute
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(part 11) (31 words)
adjacent, adjoining, adjust, adult, altitude, altogether, advertise, advise, advised, adore, afterward, afterwards, amazing, anatomy, angle, agreed, agreement, aide, aircraft, airline, alight, alley, alter, alcohol, allies, allow, ally, aloof, aloud, ashore, aroma
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(part 12) (31 words)
arrange, arrangement, arrest, arrival, awhile, balance, balcony, attack, bass, fund, funds, furnish, furnished, geology, gesture, giant, gigantic, glide, global, glorious, glue, gnaw, guilty, gorgeous, gotten, govern, astronaut, astronomy, axe, barrel, banish
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(part 13) (31 words)
banishment, barge, bask, beauty, bedlam, behavior, believe, believer, boxcar, bridal, brine, bleeding, border, bore, buyer, cartridge, bog, boiler, break, breakdown, breast, cabinet, carrier, caress, bridle, brittle, broad, broil, certainty, chairman, charcoal
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(part 14) (31 words)
colors, checked, checkered, chemical, chewy, chief, chord, claw, claim, cloak, chores, chose, chosen, circle, guard, guest, guide, guilt, gutter, habit, hereto, harmful, halfway, heal, healthy, cloudy, clan, clap, clapping, clash, clasp
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(part 15) (31 words)
classify, code, clever, collected, collection, coloration, colored, colorful, combat, confusing, convention, countdown, combine, completion, comfort, comma, command, common, commuter, comparable, compete, competitive, comprehension, comprehensive, conceive, contrast, control, conversation, costs, costume, couch
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(part 16) (31 words)
cough, counteract, couple, coupling, courage, courageous, courier, course, cousin, coward, crammed, crawl, creak, creative, creativity, credible, credo, creep, crepe, curl, curly, current, curtain, curve, cute, delayed, descent, disbelief, discharge, detailed, detest
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(part 17) (31 words)
diet, difference, different, disagree, dilute, direct, direction, disappear, disapprove, disclaim, disclose, discourage, dried, doesn't, discussion, disposal, dispose, disposed, dispute, dock, dishonest, dread, dreadful, dumb, drown, drowsy, due, duel, durable, dusk, ebony
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(part 18) (31 words)
editorial, educate, effect, effective, enclose, enclosed, eighth, either, element, elementary, enrage, emerge, emotion, empire, endanger, endless, evade, endurable, enemy, energetic, engage, harbor, heave, haste, hasty, haul, he'd, headquarters, heavy, hidden, hiking
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(part 19) (31 words)
hinder, hinge, hint, hive, hoard, hoarse, escape, estate, favors, farthest, eyeglasses, fable, fed, evenings, evil, excess, excite, excited, exciting, example, exceed, expense, fetch, excellent, except, expansion, fancier, exile, expand, explain, extend
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(part 20) (31 words)
foreign, forenoon, forgotten, formal, forth, fragrance, fray, freeze, funnies, funniness, garment, freshman, frigid, further, future, general, geometry, gait, gale, gleam, gathered, gathering, gem, generally, gentle, gentlemen, gently, geographer, government, gown, grab
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(part 21) (31 words)
grizzly, graceful, graft, graph, grasp, greedy, greetings, grief, grievance, grind, gulp, halt, halves, groove, growth, grumpy, hearth, hereafter, handsome, heel, hem, hew, hire, herd, honor, husband, holiday, homeless, homonym, honest, idle
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(part 22) (31 words)
immovable, impractical, impress, hoof, horizon, horrify, horseshoe, hostess, hourly, howl, howling, hue, hum, human, humble, humid, humidity, hundreds, hungry, hurried, I'd, ignore, illness, imitator, impatient, imperfect, impersonal, important, improper, improved, improvement
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(part 23) (31 words)
impure, incentive, incisor, incline, including, insult, insure, insured, incompetent, incomplete, indolent, industry, infamy, influence, informal, information, inquire, instead, insist, inspect, inspection, install, instance, instant, junior, intend, intended, intolerable, intense, intention, intercept
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(part 24) (31 words)
interest, interested, interesting, intermediate, introduce, jerk, invent, knoll, knot, irate, jagged, Japan, jog, judge, juicy, kidney, kiln, kilogram, jury, knob, knock, knowledgeable, leaf, knuckle, knead, kneecap, knight, label, laborious, laid, landscape
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(part 25) (31 words)
language, largely, lateness, latter, laughter, lax, miserable, misspell, mistaken, mixture, modern, lease, ledger, legend, lengthy, lonely, litter, lessen, let's, liable, liberty, liking, limit, loan, limits, lingering, lining, listen, lists, lit, literature
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(part 26) (31 words)
loose, liver, local, manner, manners, locomotive, lodge, lofty, logic, lose, loss, machine, loneliness, longitude, lovingly, loyal, magnify, mayor, lurch, lying, lyric, madam, magic, magnificent, maiden, mainly, maintain, material, mammoth, man, manager
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(part 27) (31 words)
mantle, manufacture, manufacturer, marine, moist, measure, metal, medical, medicine, melody, mention, merchant, migrate, mock, merry, message, met, milligram, milliliter, million, moisture, model, momentous, microwave, mighty, misty, misunderstanding, minority, minute, minutes, miser
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(part 28) (31 words)
modest, modify, ninth, nip, notorious, novel, monster, monthly, mood, motion, motive, motor, mountaineer, mountainous, mountains, mover, mugger, mumps, murder, musical, mutter, naked, narrow-minded, nasty, national, naturally, needle, nod, omnivorous, navigate, nerve
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(part 29) (31 words)
nerves, nestle, oblige, passage, nibble, nimble, noble, objection, normal, northeastern, notation, noticeable, notion, nowadays, obedient, obtain, omit, opposite, paddle, organ, offices, overrun, operate, opinion, ounce, ourselves, oral, ordeal, ordered, origin, original
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(part 30) (31 words)
orphan, overalls, outburst, outgoing, outing, outlaw, outlive, outrageous, overdue, overeat, overhead, palm, overtime, overweight, ownership, oyster, pace, pact, pad, paid, pale, panel, panic, papa, parade, parenthesis, prime, prison, pupil, recline, review
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(part 31) (31 words)
revile, rectify, redecorate, reduction, reel, refer, reflect, refreshments, refuge, screech, screen, screenplay, scrub, scurry, section, partner, paternal, patrol, pause, pave, payable, payee, payroll, peaceable, peaceful, peak, peaked, pebble, perfect, pleasure, pedal
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(part 32) (31 words)
peddle, peek, peep, pencil, perch, perform, perfume, period, permit, persist, personal, personality, phase, phony, proceed, piano, picnic, piece, plead, pleasant, pleasurable, polar, pitiful, pity, plainly, plains, plantation, prank, plastic, plentiful, problem
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(part 33) (31 words)
plume, plump, plunge, ply, poet, preserve, popular, population, porpoise, precaution, president, position, positive, possible, postal, potatoes, prayers, preacher, prepare, powder, praise, prayer, profession, precipitation, predict, prefer, prefix, prepaid, preparation, prescription, principal
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(part 34) (31 words)
pretend, preview, prey, primary, quantity, produce, production, profit, provided, quickly, progress, project, projection, promise, proof, properly, property, propose, prospect, protection, protective, protein, providing, public, publicly, quarter, quarters, quit, punctuation, punish, purely
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(part 35) (31 words)
puzzle, pygmy, quack, quibble, quiet, quietly, rash, quitter, regret, rare, racing, rainy, rap, rapid, rating, regular, safely, reaction, readily, really, refresh, remains, remarkable, reap, rearrange, recent, recently, refill, recite, reckless, regard
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(part 36) (31 words)
regarding, regards, repeated, reiterate, relation, relations, rely, remorse, remote, rid, riddle, renewed, repeal, reply, represent, rising, rough, roughly, reptile, republic, reputation, resist, resort, respect, respond, restless, restrain, result, results, revenge, revise
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(part 37) (31 words)
ribbon, ridge, ruin, rifle, route, riot, roar, rocky, romantic, scarves, rot, rotate, sailboard, sauce, royal, rude, ruling, rye, saddle, sadness, scared, scarf, scarlet, scatter, salesman, sane, sash, satellite, satin, satisfy, serving
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(part 38) (31 words)
scale, sentence, scan, scent, science, scientist, scold, scorch, scorn, scrap, scrape, scrawl, seconds, secretary, scream, secure, singe, seek, seldom, selfish, sense, shabby, steady, stealth, shaggy, shed, separate, service, settled, settlement, settler
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(part 39) (31 words)
several, tremble, tremendous, twist, tricycle, worried, worship, worst, worthwhile, wrench, wrinkle, wrist, writer, severely, shadow, shallow, shelter, she's, sheer, shopping, shift, shin, shining, shipping, shiver, shook, shooting, shortage, shorten, shoulder, shouldn't
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(part 40) (31 words)
shown, shriek, shrimp, shuttle, shy, simply, since, sleet, sinker, skating, skillful, skim, skinny, skunk, slavery, sled, software, spice, sly, slender, slept, slid, slight, slightly, slippery, smallpox, smooth, smoothness, sneeze, sniff, snowy
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(part 41) (31 words)
soak, sober, soften, soldier, solid, solve, stationary, sorrow, soul, sound, sour, southeast, sow, sparkle, specimen, stingy, spy, stitch, spiral, splash, splinter, struck, spoiled, sponge, spotless, sprain, sprawl, squeeze, squishy, staff, stain
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(part 42) (31 words)
stake, stall, stare, steamboat, storage, subtle, steer, stem, stern, sticky, stiff, stigma, stout, sturdy, success, successful, suppose, supposed, strain, strike, striking, stroke, submit, subordinate, studies, stuffy, stumble, succeed, suddenly, suffering, suitable
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(part 43) (31 words)
terms, terrified, toward, towards, superintendent, supplies, supply, support, though, surely, surface, surprise, surround, sweep, technology, suspect, thirteen, swamp, swarm, swear, sweat, swept, swiftly, swimming, syllable, symphonic, taper, text, talent, talon, tantrum
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(part 44) (31 words)
tasteless, tasty, taught, taxi, taxpayer, tear, telegram, telescope, tentative, term, thrill, timid, thanksgiving, that's, their, themselves, therefore, thereof, thrust, tint, thigh, thirst, thoughtful, thousands, thread, threw, throughout, thrown, thumb, tiptoe, toaster
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(part 45) (31 words)
toil, tomb, tomorrow, too, toothpaste, touched, troop, topic, topple, tornado, total, trial, tough, tour, tracer, traffic, treaty, triple, twelfth, trample, transfer, tunnel, uniform, trash, traveler, traveling, tread, treasure, tried, trio, tropical
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(part 46) (31 words)
truly, truthful, tuft, tug, turf, twenty-one, twinkle, twister, uneven, type, unclear, underneath, understandable, underwear, underweight, uneasy, unfold, unknown, weary, unprepared, unlawful, unrelated, vegetarian, weaponry, unite, universe, unlike, unpaid, unreal, unsaid, warehouse
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(part 47) (31 words)
upright, unsure, until, unusable, unused, velvet, unwise, usage, useless, utmost, utter, valued, values, vanish, venom, venture, verse, vertical, vice, view, vigilance, vigorous, wily, vision, visitor, visual, vitamin, volunteer, wages, waist, walker
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(part 48) (31 words)
warn, whisker, wouldn't, wound, wit, washer, we're, we've, weakness, wealth, winds, wee, weigh, weight, weird, weren't, what's, whereabouts, whereas, wherein, wherever, whip, wholesale, wicked, widow, wiggle, wounded, woman, winner, wisdom, withdrawn
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(part 49) (31 words)
withhold, witness, wives, wonderfully, written, yacht, yarn, yawn, yearly, yearning, you'd, you'll, you've, replied, cactus, campus, crystal, cub, dawn, dessert, daughter, heron, hospital, hippopotamus, handkerchief, harness, pearl, overcoat, pantry, require, aspect
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(part 50) (31 words)
regulation, comment, publish, reject, induce, Britain, Gulf of Mexico, North Pole, South Pole, American, based, mistakes, advising, attending, containing, dined, improving, requesting, repairs, addressed, admired, amused, answering, bandwidth, beaten, begging, biggest, bothered, Brazilian, breaking, British
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(part 51) (31 words)
chased, Christmas, condemned, contained, corrected, damaged, divided, declared, derived, designed, details, determining, digging, directed, discovered, earned, elected, enclosing, endeavour, English, entering, expected, expressed, flooded, forwarding, freed, handling, hired, hurrying, impressed, joined
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(part 52) (31 words)
labelled, locating, Mississippi, naming, Negro, noticed, presented, produced, promised, published, reduced, Saturday, remembered, repaired, requested, revised, Russian, seeking, selected, sewed, signed, stations, smiling, Spanish, stopped, Thursday, using, Wednesday, entered, annulled, torpedoes
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(part 53) (31 words)
aerial, appropriate, august, consolidate, barometer, carrot, ace, bacon, baggage, bakery, banana, banjo, bathtub, battery, beverage, bib, bible, butcher, biscuit, bridge, birthday, burrow, caboose, calculator, carton, cavity, carpenter, castle, cookbook, catcher, celery
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(part 54) (31 words)
checkers, cheetah, chef, boarding, cottage, diary, canyon, dew, disaster, dishwasher, fireman, briefcase, circus, classroom, clerk, cliff, cock, cockpit, colander, constellation, doe, dolphin, hallway, broccoli, computer, crematorium, cougar, digit, forehead, freighter, fried
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(part 55) (31 words)
fries, garbage, giraffe, mattress, ewe, elephant, encyclopedia, environment, eyelash, fawn, explosion, extinguisher, fountain, field, hawk, helm, helmet, fleet, flooring, grandchild, gasoline, gerbil, glacier, gorilla, gourd, grasshopper, grocery, guy, gym, machinery, mall
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(part 56) (31 words)
manatee, mascot, hooves, houseboat, lifeboat, nozzle, hummingbird, hurricane, janitor, jungle, keg, kelp, jaguar, knives, kitchen, kitty, knapsack, pocketbook, pod, policeman, salad, tractor, leopard, luggage, linen, loaves, marshmallow, meadow, microphone, mollusk, skater
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(part 57) (31 words)
skull, mare, monument, moose, motorboat, nave, nectar, ostrich, penguin, peninsula, onion, otter, orchard, ore, peanuts, parent, photo, stapler, statue, student, vat, passenger, seaweed, pineapple, planet, porthole, princess, pumpkin, purse, pus, raincoat
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(part 58) (31 words)
raisin, ram, reflection, rider, rust, sailor, saucepan, saucer, shawl, shelf, sherbet, soybean, spacecraft, spaghetti, spar, sparrow, sweater, sweetheart, tennis, tepee, theater, toothbrush, tuba, turtle, valley, urn, vehicle, vessel, village, walrus, waterfall
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(part 59) (13 words)
watermelon, wilderness, wrapping, zebra, yak, beads, heaps, mittens, endeavor, labeled, Acer, advertize, ax