Personality list
List #: 76466
Keywords/tags: Spelling Bee, 11th
Created: 11/20/2019
Modified: 11/20/2019
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Unit 1 (104 words)
table of contents, anxious, naughty, stubborn, sensitive, intelligent, nice, emotional, bad-tempered, nervous, mean, distracted, dishonest, rude, discreet, crazy, cheeky, cheerful, energetic, untidy, pessimistic, optimistic, unpleasant, talkative, calm, passionate, proud, sincere, lazy, lively, funny, silly, shy, determined, versatile, sociable, worried, thoughtful, humble, friendly, frank, obedient, honest, fearless, unfriendly, generous, compassionate, warm-hearted, disobedient, straightforward, selfish, imaginative, placid, jealous, helpful, enthusiastic, persistent, sensible, rational, reserved, self-confident, bossy, plucky, patient, impatient, easygoing, careless, messy, hard-working, creative, broad-minded, faithful, kind, courageous, loyal, modest, tidy, confident, attentive, loving, reliable, scared, conscientious, good-tempered, careful, gentle, neat, dynamic, fair-minded, impartial, supportive, timid, intellectual, brave, ambitious, polite, happy, romantic, diplomatic, courteous, humorous, self-disciplined, popular, smart